Happy New Year! Tips for Ringing in a Prosperous 2016
Happy New Year! Tips for Ringing in a Prosperous 2016Here is a post by Christy Jacobs
Author, Intuitive Life and Relationship Coach, TV Writer
Happy New Year! Tips for Ringing in a Prosperous 2016. Posted: 12/29/2015 on the huffingtonpost.com
Read it here
2015 was a tough year for a lot of us, and we are so ready to welcome a fresh start. But with all the challenges, there were good times too, right? Now is the time to reflect on the good stuff — even if you have to reframe the difficult to find the way.
Here’s what I suggest:
Write those things down and be GRATEFUL. Every challenge presented to us is an opportunity to learn and grow. If you had to move, you might have learned to let go of attachments. If you ended a relationship, you might have learned that you deserve a better more fulfilling relationship. If you struggled financially, you might have learned to creatively manifest all your needs and to trust. All of our struggles teach us to be more compassionate and less judgmental of others. If we allow ourselves to receive the lessons, we can open up our hearts even wider. Whatever your challenge, there is always a learning opportunity. Always a reason.
RELEASE and LET GO — Make a list of all the things you want to LEAVE BEHIND in 2015. This can be people, places, attitudes, judgements, misbeliefs, ANYTHING — and BURN it. Not the people, silly — the paper!
Do your laundry, clean your house, remove expired food from the fridge. Start out the New Year with a clean slate. You don’t want to bring any “dirty laundry” into 2016. It may seem silly — but trust me. I know a lot of you are cleaning out your closets, garages and cabinets now and that’s even better. But if you don’t have much time — just clean out the fridge and do some laundry. This is about shifting energy and making room for the new.
Now for the fun part!
Let’s Create Abundance:
1. Reflect on ALL you accomplished, released, shifted and enjoyed in 2015 and write it down. You’ll be amazed at how much you did and it’ll lift your spirits!
2. Now make a list of your intentions for 2016. What do you want to accomplish, manifest, achieve? Write it down in the “I am” format, as if it has already happened. For example: “I am publishing my book.” “I am running 5 miles a day.” “I am living on the French Riviera with my hot Parisian boyfriend.” You get the point.
3. Stock your fridge with healthy food. A stocked fridge always makes us feel prosperous. Food is a basic need and when we have it, it creates a feeling of prosperity. Prosperity creates more prosperity.
4. Fill up your gas tank. Again, a full tank creates the feeling of abundance and this is great if travel is on your list of things to do in 2016.
5. Fill your wallet with CASH. Even if you only put one dollar bills — this still works. In fact, according to Feng Shui, putting 27 one-dollar bills in your wallet works best. Again, it’s all about FEELING abundant!
6. Buy something that will support your new intentions/resolutions. If you want to get in shape — buy your shoes now. If you want to learn to cook — buy a cooking utensil. If you want to learn French — buy a French book. If you want to go to Paris, buy a travel book on France. You get the picture. It doesn’t have to be a big purchase. For me, I want to commit to doing more Yoga, so I bought a Groupon for Yoga. It’s simple. Support yourself NOW and bring those intentions into the New Year.
7. Create a vision board. You can even do this on Pinterest if you want, but I find it more fun to cut up magazines and paste them on poster board. It’s more active and creative when you use your hands. Basically, you want to cut out pictures and words that represent what you want to create/manifest for yourself in the New Year. This is FUN and it activates hope and joy within your heart. Place the board where you can see it every day. I put mine by my bed so I see it first thing in the morning.
And finally…
8. Dance in the New Year with JOY! Be proud of yourself for all you accomplished this past year and be happy that you made it!! Pat yourself on the back and send yourself blessings of LOVE, JOY, PROSPERITY, AND PEACE. YOU DESERVE IT! BELIEVE IT!
Happy New Year!
Christy Jacobs is an Intuitive Life and Relationship Coach, Angel Reader, and Author.