Dure Foods how dried foods are made

Desert or Dessert? How Dried Foods Are Made

Dried Foods 101

If you are familiar with dried fruit, you’ve probably indulged in banana or apple chips on the regular. Dried food is a type of food preservation that removes the water from food to inhibit the growth of bacteria, ultimately preserving it. The thing about dried food is not only is it great for food preservation, but it always makes a delicious snack! When it comes to drying fruits and vegetables, it makes a tastier, nutritious, and lightweight experience. Most dried food is high energy snacks, and is perfect for travel snacks as they are lightweight and easy to store and consume.

For some people, they are a little cautious when it comes to dried food. Some of the questions and concerns are about the process to which they are made, and whether they are good or bad for you. This blog will give both sides to eating dry food, and you can determine what you think! One of the most common questions is how are dried foods made? Below you get the complete break down on what the dried food process consist of:

How are Dried Foods Made?

Depending on the type of food, the drying procedure will defer. You need a nice balance of the optimal temperature and humidity to successfully dry food.

Some of the most common methods are food dehydrators and room drying. Commercially or homemade food dehydrators leave a good dried product. In fact, oven drying works well if the oven is set to 140 to 150 degrees Fahrenheit and opening the oven door at about 2 to 3 inches to allow the moisture to dissipate.

How Are Dried Foods Made?

However, room drying (at room temperature) can only work if the heat and humidity are adequate. In addition, a popular procedure performed when drying food is peeling (if it is fruit or vegetables). Peeling the skin greatly helps the drying process, because the skin reduces the surface area, which prevents the moisture from being able to escape.

What are the Benefits and Concerns for Dried Food?

Some people say dried food is pointless or isn’t good for you because all the nutrients have been taken out. So, is dried food even good for you? Yes- If you choose the dried food wisely.

Choosing dried fruit and vegetables is a no-brainer of a better choice. Actually, dehydration causes some of the nutrients to become more concentrated. However, keep in mind that dried food is only the fraction of its original size. Also, always watch for added sweeteners, as some dried foods have a lot of extra additives in them for flavour. Dried food without any additive is the only way you can truly enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.

Buy Quality Dry Foods Today!

Dure Foods, a powdered food packaging company, brings the nutrients in everything they deliver. Whether its meal supplements, coffee, or amino acids, our products deliver exceptional benefits. Whether you want to learn more about our dried food products, formulate your own proprietary dry mixture, or white label one of our fine products, contact us today!