3 Signs Your Food Business is Ready to Expand

While many smaller food businesses work independently, you may need more help when it comes time for your business to expand. If you want your business to successfully grow without losing money, you need to expand at the right time. Many of these expansions can be greatly helped by the assistance of a co-packer. Here are 3 signs your business is ready to expand, and how co-packers like Dure Foods can help you.

You can mass produce your recipe

If you want to expand your business, you need an established recipe to distinguish yourself from other businesses. However, for a larger business, it is not enough to just know the recipe. You will need to perfect it to the point it can be mass produced. More importantly, that recipe needs to be understood well by your entire staff, and replicated to the same degree of quality.

Skilled and professional co-packers like those at Dure Foods are trained to swiftly learn and replicate recipes. If you want your product ready for mass production, Dure can help you.

Your supply and demand is high enough

You won’t be able to successfully expand your business if the supply is larger than the demand. Expanding your business requires a large financial investment, and you’ll want to ensure that money can be made back. Take note of how the demand grows over time. If it grows significantly and your business becomes more successful, it may be time to expand.

Now that you’ve expanded, what happens if the supply can’t keep up with the demand? This is when hiring a co-packer can be beneficial. Co-packers such as Dure Foods are used to handling large quantities of food packaging, often under tight deadlines. If the demand for your product grows, you’ll definitely want to take advantage of the opportunity. Hiring co-packers that can keep up with even the highest demands will ensure that you can capitalize on your success.

You generate enough profit

Finally, a successful business expansion requires increasing production and resources without spending more than you earn. Expansion is expensive, especially when done independently. More ingredients and packaging, larger workspace, larger storage space, payments for cleaning and inspections; all these costs can add up significantly. Larger costs demand larger profit, and keeping up with the increased need for earnings can be overwhelming.

Hiring a reliable co-packer like Dure Foods can mitigate many of these demands. Co-packers can offer space and ingredients, and some companies can produce the product themselves. If you’re business is expanding, but struggling to make profits, hiring a co-packer might be your solution.

Dure Foods has helped many food businesses expand and become successful. We can do the same for you. Contact us so we can work together and help your business grow.